Critical Flooding in Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary: Challenges and Conservation Efforts

The flood situation in Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS), Assam is critical, with wide areas of the sanctuary submerged. As a result, the habitat has been negatively affected, affecting both the wildlife and the local community.

Impact on Wildlife

  1. Flooding has submerged the entire grassland habitat of Pobitora WLS, forcing wildlife, including rhinos, to move to higher ground and woodland areas. As a result, their usual activities and feeding patterns are disrupted.

  1. With the grasslands flooded, rhinos and other wildlife are more vulnerable to poaching as they congregate in fewer, more accessible areas. In order to ensure the safety of these animals, the forest department has increased boat patrolling and monitoring efforts.

  2. There are limited food resources in their natural habitats due to flooding. As a result of this scarcity, herbivores may become more competitive, leading some species to venture closer to human settlements in search of food.

Human and Environmental Impact

  1.  Floods significantly disrupt agriculture and livestock farming in the surrounding area, which is common.

  1. Infrastructure Damage: The roads and infrastructure within and around the sanctuary have been damaged sightly and a little bit of inconvenience .

Conservation Efforts

  1. Wildlife and the affected human populations are being supported by the forest department and various NGOs. 

  2. Long-term Solutions: Efforts are being made to create more highlands and elevated areas within the sanctuary to provide safe havens for wildlife during flood seasons. Additionally, better water management practices are being considered to mitigate the impact of future floods.


The flood situation in Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary underscores the need for comprehensive conservation and disaster management strategies. Protecting wildlife and supporting local communities during such natural calamities is crucial to maintaining the ecological balance and ensuring the sustainability of the sanctuary.
