Translocated Rhino13 or Swmli Gave birth a calf today

Translocated Rhino-13 or Swmli gave birth a Calf

Swmli or Rhino-13
 Today afternoon in an auspicious moment , rhino monitoring team of Manas  NP located Rhino-13 with a new born calf. Rhino -13 or newly named as Swmli by School Children  of Bansbari as advised by SG & CEO of WWF-India. She was translocated from Kaziranga National Park in the month of March,2012. After release of one and half year she gave birth new one. This is another milestone for Rhino Population of Manas National Park.
We wish all the best for new born calf and  all our Rhino with a  Great future of Manas National Park
