Manas Bhuyanpara Conservation and Eco-tourism Society

Tourist Cottage of Manas Bhuyanpara Consrvation and Eco-tourism Society, Bhuyanpara Range Manas National Park
Manas Bhuyanpara Conservation and Eco-tourism Society was formed on 2006. Since establishment society has been doing a commendable jobs on conservation of park. At present 20 volunteers from the society directly involved in protection of the park. Another four volunteer directly involved with Indian  Rhino Vision 2020 program. 
Cottage is establish in front of Bhuyanpara range office. If you want to stay there please contact Ajoy Kherkotari- President of Society and well known person of this area. His phone number- is 9401969360. 

Please Visit Manas and get experience real sense of wilderness inside vast green landscape!!!
