World Rhino Day-2014

Lets we united for Rhino

Greater One Horned Rhino is the pride of Assam and had been an integral part of Assamese culture and sentiment. Assam is home to world’s two third of Greater One Horned Rhino population. But unfortunately large scale illegal poaching has threatened this magnificent species to a large extent. Approximately 23 rhinos have been poached this year in Assam for their horns. Rhino horns are mistaken for valuable medicines but as a matter of fact there is no such medicinal value in rhino horns. They are mere like our hairs. Can you imagine killing somebody for hairs?
 Killing of rhino also hurts our sentiments and pride. So, let us bring our efforts together for the well being of this magnificent species–
Save rhino, Save Pride of Assam on occasion of World Rhino Day-2014.
