Rhino Keeper- Hidden Hero of Manas

Rojen busy on feeding two Orphan calves like mother

The rhino calves lost their mother in Manas and Kaziranga due to brutal poaching. They were rescued and upkeep at Manas with proper care. You can never imagine the amount of effort and difficulties handle during this process. I salute some of our  'Hidden Heros' and their contribution to conservation.as well as our society. 

Rojen Domary is a person who was responsible and trained animal keeper for the upkeep of the two orphaned rhino calves at Manas. He cares them like their mother. He feeds them milk 6 times a day till midnight until the age of six months. Thereafter, he guided them to graze grasses, wallowed in mud and water as well as tender them to explore their habitat nearby their enclosure. During this period he got hardly 2-3 days to spend in his home and play with his own kid. So he and his family sacrificed lots of moments for the sack of wildlife. I believe we have many 'Hidden Heros' who contributed much for betterment of our society. We should encourage them the proper way to get recognition in our society.

Two orphaned rhino calves sleeping after feeding
