Emerging Conservation Challanges

  • Habitat loss and degradation: One of the major challenges to wildlife conservation is the loss and degradation of their natural habitats due to human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture.

  • Climate change: Climate change has a significant impact on wildlife populations, altering migration patterns and altering habitats, making it more difficult for species to survive.

  • Poaching and illegal trade: Poaching and illegal trade in wildlife products, such as ivory and rhino horn, pose a major threat to many species and disrupt ecosystems.

  • Over-exploitation: Over-hunting, over-fishing, and over-grazing can reduce populations of wild animals, leading to declines in biodiversity and loss of essential ecosystem services.

  • Invasive species: Non-native species introduced into new environments can have negative impacts on native wildlife and their habitats, often outcompeting them for resources.

  • Disease: Diseases can spread rapidly through wildlife populations and have significant impacts, particularly on species that have no natural immunity.

  • Human-wildlife conflict: Human-wildlife conflict is a major challenge, as increasing human populations often lead to increased encounters with wildlife, which can result in damage to crops, property, and human life.
